Uwierz mi. Nie da sie ;)
Powstrzymać kontroli raczej się nie da ale można spróbować cewnikowania… problem z tym jest taki, że przewlekłe cewnikowanie wiąże się z wymianą cewnika co 3-4 tyg i może się od tego zrobić odleżyna w drogach moczowych. Ale na jeden dzień lub kilka dni myślę, że byłoby to bezpieczne.
Jak będziesz nosić 24h na dobę ciągle przez dwa tygodnie to będziesz przyzwyczajona do pampersa i powoli bedziesz robić coraz więcej bez wiedzy i musisz pic dużo herbatki żurawinowej i zioła urosan
Powodzenia mam nadzieję że ci się uda😻🙂 trening czyni mistrza hehe
Gdzieś na forum było jak stracić kontrolę . Ale ten kurs trwa 24 miesiące
ey looked. Let them become accustomed to wearing diapers 24/7, and keep reminding them that it makes you really happy that they’re wearing diapers for you.
2. Reward your little with whatever they like, whether it be with video games, cookies, or orgasms daily for wearing and using their diapers for you. Tell them how cute and sexy they look, and how frisky it makes you feel. In time, they’ll learn to love how their diapers make you feel, and they’ll want to wear and use them to make you feel that same way again. In turn, you should play with them in between diaper changes. It is up to you to bring them to orgasm or not depending on their behavior; if they’ve been a bad little, edge them but don’t let them cum. They’ll promise to be a good little if it means that you’ll make them cum in their diaper, and when they do, keep them in it so they get accustomed to using their diaper for everything. This will make them associate pleasure and joy with their diapers.
3. Change their diet by making them eat foods with less salt and more water. Cut out all fast food except for a special treat; take them out to their favorite place (in a diaper, of course!) once a week, but only if they remain in diapers. Don’t make them pay, after all, littles don’t have to pay for anything. Foods like watermelon are high in liquids, so have them eat a ton of that under the idea that it’s healthy for them. Replace their salty snacks with fruits and other healthy things, including copious amounts of fluids with each meal. Fill up a big water bottle every hour, and tell them that they have an hour to finish it. You should give them a big 32oz water bottle to use, and every time that they finish drinking it, fill it up again and give them a cookie, as this will reinforce the fact that drinking all that water will earn them a reward! In the middle of the day, you can give them a cup of coffee or one soda to keep them wetting. If they want something different than just plain old water, a tall glass of cranberry juice will stimulate their bladder to make them wet more often, just like caffeine.
4. In time, using their diapers will become easier and easier. Instead of large gushes, they’ll start peeing in smaller and smaller amounts which is exactly what you want. This means that their bladder is shrinking, and that they’ll feel like they need to go pee a lot sooner than usual. If they’ve been drinking a lot of water for the last week, they should be at this stage, but ONLY if they haven’t been holding it until they need to go. You need to reinforce the fact that they need to go pee as soon as they feel the smallest bit of pee in their bladder, and their bladder will shrink due to the fact that they aren’t using their bladder to its full capacity.
5. After a month or two in diapers 24/7, their bladder will be so small that they’ll dribble all over the place in between changes. It’ll get to the point where they depend on their diapers to keep them from having accidents, and they’ll choose to wear their diapers instead of their old undies (not like they had a choice in the first place!) because they don’t want to get their clothes wet. Always remind them how proud you are of them for becoming diaper dependent, and make sure to give them lots of snuggles, love, and pleasure, always focused around their diapers.
6. When they start bedwetting, buy them thicker diapers to give them the peace of mind that they won’t wet your bed at night. Buy washable underpads and reassure them that having accidents at night is perfectly natural, and be sure to make them be the little spoon when you two cuddle at night. They have to feel safe, loved, and secure in their diapers for them to become accustomed to bedwetting. When you two wake up in the morning, check their diaper while they’re still half asleep. If their diaper is soaked, reward them by pressing a vibrator against the front of their diaper. If it’s still dry, tell them that they can try again the next night, then up their intake of fluids that evening to ensure that they will wet in their sleep. Always be sure to reward them each morning when they wake up wet, and soon, you’ll have a little that depends on you to take care of all their basic needs.
Generalnie problem jest w przełamaniu się aby móc to robić. Ćwiczenia na przełamywanie to robienie przy kimś. Na początku gdy ma się duże opory świetnie działają sesje łaskotek po wypiciu kilka piw lub innych moczopędnych.
@Zwykły_Wędrowiec jak ja uwielbiam takie kary sesje łaskotek są dobre przy środkach na biegunkę
Moczu się w nocy w łóżko codziennie
Na angielskojęzycznych internetach znajdziesz dużo na ten temat. Google zwraca duuużo wyników dla fraz "abdl become incontinence" lub "abdl lose bladder control".
@Deil uważam, że łaskotki są świetną formą wszystkiego od przekomarzań przez zaczepkę aż po pieszczoty. Wszystko zależy od tego gdzie i w jaki sposób będzie się łaskotać ;-)
Jakiś poradnik widziałam tutaj na stronie ale trzeba trochę poszperać
Hmm nie wiem, ale chciałabym się dowiedzieć :*
@Little_Maja5 spróbuj łaskotek, takie sikanie zdarza się na sesjach po dobrym przygotowaniu i zbudowaniu atmosfery, przerabiałem to.
Nie jest to bardzo praktykowane, ale teoretycznie można wziąć taki cewnik z pompowanym balonem. Normalnie służy on do przytrzymania cewnika w pęcherzu, ale jeśli napompuje się nieco niżej, można bardzo łatwo rozciągnąć sobie zwieracz pęcherza ;-) Chyba zostanę urologiem...
@karolek25 a w tej bajce były smoki